Organisation Structure

Academician Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Omar Abdul Rahman FASc

Academician Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Omar Abdul Rahman graduated with a Bachelor in Veterinary Science from University of Sydney, Australia (1958), and obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK (1966). He started his professional career in 1960 in veterinary research, and then in 1972, was appointed as the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences in the then Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM), now Universiti Putra Malaysia.

He was the first professor to be appointed by the University. His last position in UPM was Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic. He was later appointed as Science Adviser in the Prime Minister's Department in 1984, the first person to hold that position, and served until his retirement in 2001. As Science Adviser, he served on a number of national committees including the National Development Planning Committee, National Council for Scientific Research & Development, National Information Technology Council and the National Telecommunication Council. He played a major role in the establishment of the following organisations:

  • MTDC - Malaysian Technology Development Corporation
  • MIGHT - Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology
  • MIMOS - Malaysian Institute of Microelectronics System
  • CTRM - Composites Technology (Research) Malaysia Sdn Bhd
  • NSC - National Science Centre
  • ASM - Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  • MINDS - Malaysian Invention and Design Society
  • Kumpulan Modal Perdana Sdn Bhd.

Internationally, he had served on the United Nation's Advisory Council for Science and Technology for Development (UNACSTD) and on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's Standing Committee on Science & Technology Cooperation (COMSTEC). He is the founding and current chairman of the London-based Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management (CPTM) Ltd.

Tan Sri Omar is also the founding fellow of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS), a fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), an Honorary Fellow of the National Academy of Science of the Kyrghyz Republic, and the Founding President and Senior Fellow of the ASM.

He holds Honorary Doctorates from five overseas universities (Stirling, Melbourne, Guelph, Bristol and Queensland), and three Malaysian universities (UTM, UKM, UPM). He was also bestowed the ASEAN Achievement Award (Science) in 1993, the Fook Ying Tung South East Asia Prize in 1998 and the Tun Abdul Razak Award (International Category) in 2000. In 2010, Tan Sri Omar was bestowed the Tokoh Akademik Negara award. In addition, his knowledge and viewpoints are shared through his book, "The Essentials of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy", published jointly by ASM, MIGHT, CPTM and ISTIC in 2013.

Professor Dato' Ir Dr Abu Bakar Jaafar FASc

Professor Dato' Ir Dr Abu Bakar Jaafar FASc is an engineer by profession (BEM 12555), an environmental scientist by specialisation, and a maritime expert by current pre-occupation. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Newcastle, Australia, a Master of Environmental Science from Miami University, and a Doctorate in Marine Geography from the University of Hawaii @Manoa. Currently, he is a Professor, University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), Perdana School of Science, Technology, Innovation and Policy, and Co-Chair of UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre (UTM OTEC) (since 1 August 2013); and Chairman of Environment Group of National Science and Research and Council (since 1 April 2011).

He had gained wide experience and expertise in both public and private sectors, after having served in the Malaysian Civil Service for over 22 years in various positions including as the Director-General of the Department of Environment [DOE] (1990-1995). Since his optional retirement in the public service in late 1995, he continued, however, to serve the Government of Malaysia as Elected-Member to the Commission on the Limits of Continental Shelf, UN Headquarters, New York (1997-2002)(2002-2007)(2007-2012), an Adviser to the National Committee on Continental Shelf, Secretariat to National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia, and as Adjunct Senior Fellow of the Maritime Institute of Malaysia (1 March 2006-31 August 2015).

In the private sector, he was Senior Controller, Engineering and Processing, Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad-cum-Managing Director, Guthrie Industries Sdn Bhd (1996); Managing Director, Alam Sekitar Malaysia Sdn Bhd (1997-2000); Group Technology Director, Peremba (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd-cum-Managing Director, Modulogic Sdn Bhd (2001-2003), and Alam Flora Sdn Bhd (2006-2011) (as Chairman). Currently, he is Director and Senior Principal Environmental Consultant, Enviro-LIFT Services Sdn Bhd, and Novaviro Technology Sdn Bhd (since 2004), and also sits on the Board of Directors of Land & General Bhd (since18 October 1999) and other private companies including Deep Sea Thermal Solutions Sdn Bhd, and GTP Dynamics Sdn Bhd.

For his past and on-going contributions toward the common goods and sustainable future, by advancing knowledge, expertise, and skills, particularly in the fields of science, technology, and the environment, he has been made as Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (FIEM); Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (FASc); and recipient of Federal and State Awards: KMN, JSM, DPMP, and The University of Newcastle Convocation Medalist for Professional Excellence 2011, and “Anugerah Bukit Katil Cemerlang sempena MELAKA 750 Tahun, Anugerah Tokoh Profesional”.

Dr Helena

Dr Helena’s broad research interests include sustainable development and environmental politics. Her current research focuses on the socio-political aspects of transboundary haze pollution in Southeast Asia, and its link to palm oil. Her doctoral research findings have been recently published as a book by Routledge, entitled “The Haze Problem in Southeast Asia: Palm Oil and Patronage”. Her writings have also appeared in many international academic journals and books on Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Dr Helena has been interviewed by various local and foreign media outlets, and her commentaries have been published in The Straits Times Singapore and the Malaysian Insider.


Prof. Tangang is a Professor of Climatology and Physical Oceanography at the School of Environmental and Natural Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He was the founding Head of the UKM Research Centre for Tropical Climate Change System (IKLIM). He is also a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia.Currently, Prof. Tangang was also the Vice-Chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I and IPCC Bureau member for the AR5 cycle, representing Malaysia and countries in the Southwest Pacific region. He was the first Malaysian to be elected to the IPCC. Prof. Tangang was also a candidate of the IPCC Vice-Chair and IPCC WG1 Co-Chair during the IPCC Election for the AR6 cycle. Prof. Tangang obtained his PhD from the University of British Columbia in 1997 where he conducted a research and developed a model to forecast the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). For the last 18 years or so he has been focusing his research on understanding climate variability and change in Malaysia and in the Maritime Continent region and also in atmospheric and ocean modeling. He has published more than 45 scientific papers in international journals (Scopus h-index 12; citations > 700). In recognition of his scientific contribution, Prof. Tangang was awarded the START Young Scientist Award in 2002. He regularly reviews article for publication in various journal including Journal of climate, Climate Dynamics, Monthly Weather Reviews and Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. He is currently working on various research projects related to climate variability, climate change projection and ocean and atmospheric modelling. Prof. Tangang has supervised more than 15 PhD and MSc students. Prof. Tangang was also a consultant to the Malaysian Government for the future climate projection project over Malaysia. Prof. Tangang also served in various committees related to climate change at the national level. He is currently the Project Leader of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID) / CORDEX Southeast Asia project (, a regional project under the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) of World Meteorological Organization and funded by the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research. He was also a project leader of the UNESCO IOC-WESTPAC Ocean Forecasting System (

Prof Dr Mohd Talib Latif

Prof Mohd Talib Latif is a professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution at the School of Environmental and Natural Resource Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and a Deputy Director at Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI, UKM). He has completed his BSc in Chemistry and MSc in Environmental Chemistry (Air Pollution) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and his PhD at the School of Environmental Science, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom. He was a head of Environmental Science Programme from 2010-2013 and Head Centre for Tropical Climate Change System (IKLIM), Institute for Climate Change from July 2013 to August 2014. Mohd Talib main research work includes the composition of atmospheric aerosols from various backgrounds including indoor environment. He also works on the composition of gases particularly surface ozone in the atmosphere. Most recently, he has extended his research on aerosols from sea surface microlayer (SML) and the composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from urban and natural sources. He has published more than 100 publications including refereed journals, book, chapter in book and proceedings.

Professor Ir Dr Nasehir Khan E.M. Yahaya

Prof. Dr. Nasehir Khan E.M. Yahaya obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) in Environmental Engineering at University of Science Malaysia (USM) in 2000. His public service career began with the post of Civil Engineer in the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia in 1992. Then, he moved to the Administration and Finance Division at Headquarters of DID Malaysia until 1999. In 2000, he was positioned at DID Penang. Since 2013, he joined National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) as a Director of River Basin Research Center. His research interest is in river engineering and management.

Ir. Dr Salmah Zakaria FASc

Ir. Dr Salmah Zakaria FASc

Dr. Ahmad Hazri Abdul Rashid

Dr. Ahmad Hazri Abdul Rashid is the General’s Manager of SIRIM’s Industrial Biotechnological Research Centre. He has a PhD in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering and has 30 years experience managing and participating in biotechnology based projects as well as energy related projects. Author of more than 20 refereed journals, nominee in 8 patents filed (3 granted) and commercialised 3 research projects.

Dr. Haslenda Hashim

Dr. Haslenda Hashim is Associate Professor and fellow for Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She specialises in process planning, scheduling, modeling, simulation and optimization. Her research activities are focused on low carbon society (LCS), Renewable Energy distributed electricity generation (DEG) system, resource conservation, climate change mitigation, zero-waste processes, and waste to resources.