Author |
Year |
Title |
Rieley, J.O., Wust, R.E.J., Jauhiainen, J., Page, S.E., Wösten, H. and Hooijer, A. |
2008 |
Tropical peatlands: carbon stores, carbon gas emission and contribution to climate change process. In M. Strack (Ed.) Peatland and Climate Change. International Peat Society, Finland. |
Ritzema, H. and Jansen, H., |
2008 |
Assessing the water balance of tropical peatlands by using the inverse groundwater modelling approach.R |
Sabah Forestry Department |
2005 |
KLIAS Peat Swamp Forest, Sabah, Malaysia.Hydrological processes and strategies for water management |
Shahwahid. M, H O and Jamal, O |
1998 |
Transboundary cost of the Indonesian forest fire on neighbouring Malaysia: a need for regional economic cooperation. Sixth Convention of the East Asian Economic Association. Kitakyushu, Japan. |
Siegert, F., Ruecker, G., Hinrichs, A. and Hoffmann, A.A. |
2001 |
Increased damage from fires in logged forests during droughts caused by El Nino. |
Sillins, U. And Rothwell, R.L. |
1998 |
Forest peatland drainage and subsidence affect soil water retention and transport properties in an Alberta peatland |
Suyanto, S., Aplegate, G., Permana, P., Khususiyah, N and Kurniawan, I. |
2004 |
The role of fire in changing land use and livelihoods in Riau-Sumatra. Ecology and Society |
Tropical Peat Research Laboratory. Sarawak Chief Minister’s Department. |
Case study: Effective scientific communication for sustainable peatland management |
2006 |
Malaysia’s peat swamp forests: conservation and sustainable use. Published by United Nations Development Programme Malaysia. |
2014 |
Malaysia peatland profile 2014. University Putra Malaysia. |
van der Werf, G.R., Dempewolf, J., Trigg, S.N., Randerson, J.T., Kasibhatla, P.S., Giglio, L., Murdiyarso, D., Peters, W., Morton, D.C., Collatz, G.J., Dolman, A.J. and DeFries, R.S. |
2008 |
Climate regulation of fire emissions and deforestation in equatorial Asia |
Wahid, O., Nordiana, A.A., Ahmad Tarmizi, Haniff, M. and Ahmad Kushairi, D. |
2010 |
Mapping of oil palm cultivation on peatland in Malaysia |
Wetlands International |
2010 |
A quick scan of peatlands in Malaysia |
Woon W.C., and Norini, H. |
2002 |
Trends in Malaysian forest policy. |
Wösten, J.H.M., Clymans, E., Page, S.E., Rieley, J.O. and Limin, S.H., |
2008 |
Peat–water interrelationships in a tropical peatland ecosystem in Southeast Asia |
Zakaria, S. |
1992 |
Water Management in Deep Peat Soils in Malaysia |